The Ministry of Health and Social Protection launches an extensive national campaign to strengthen vaccination against measles

As part of its communication strategy aimed at monitoring the epidemiological evolution of measles, and as part of its constant efforts to contain the spread of epidemic diseases and protect public health, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection announces that it has monitored the emergence of new cases of measles in our country, suggesting a more widespread expansion of the virus.

The World Health Organization continues to warn of the regressions observed on a global scale in surveillance systems and the reduction in vaccination rates, because no country is immune to the threat of measles, thus increasing the risk epidemics and exposing all children not vaccinated against measles to dangers that could potentially lead to mortality.

The Ministry of Health and Social Protection announces the deployment of an extensive national campaign to strengthen vaccination against measles, which is part of its proactive policy aimed at limiting the spread of epidemics and strengthening the response. The aim is to restore child vaccination levels to levels observed before the Covid-19 pandemic, which led to a decline in vaccination coverage rates in most regions and provinces of the Kingdom.

With this in mind, the Ministry strongly encourages all families, especially parents and guardians, to promptly review their children’s medical records in health centers and private practices to ensure the administration of the doses required for prevention against measles (at the ages of nine and eighteen months). It also highlights the need to administer two doses of vaccine to children not yet vaccinated, while supplementing doses for those who have only received one dose.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection emphasizes the importance of this campaign as a preventive measure aimed at protecting citizens and society from the risk of measles, thus encouraging all parties concerned to actively participate and to go to health centers to receive the vaccine free of charge.

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