Is the citizen now paying the price of leisure on public beaches?
A. Latif Baraka: Heba Press
In a precedent of its kind, some beaches in the north of the Kingdom have entered into a process of representation in exchange for “leisure”, after the territorial community of the strait legitimized associations authorized to collect sums of money from vacationers wishing to use chairs, tables, and umbrellas on the community’s beaches.
According to sources, the recreational fee has reached 70 dirhams for all those who wish to obtain chairs and umbrellas, which implies collecting a lot of money. Does the group’s budget benefit from these amounts and what is its legitimacy?
Holidaymakers are wondering about the legality of this business decision, and how associations are allowed to occupy maritime property, thus imposing sums on holidaymakers and giving illegal receipts, not to mention the yield in the shelters. Some of them have a booklet. fees and a specific price, and others have nothing to do with the group’s budget. Who is watching? Who is responsible for this chaos that has taken hold on the shores of the Kingdom?