Are there proactive measures to prevent the return of infection in the education sector?
Heba Press / Rabat / Archive photo
The parliamentary team of the “Popular Movement” party anticipated, in a written question, the possibility of a return to school congestion
The team asked about the procedures and measures that the relevant ministry could take to prevent the return of violence in the education sector.
The team said in the written question addressed to Benmoussa: “The 2023 and 2024 school year was marked by unprecedented tensions, translated into demonstrations and strikes that continued for a considerable period, which affected school time, which was accompanied by waste and frequent interruptions.”
He stressed the need to work to avoid repeating last year’s scenario, revealing the measures taken to ensure a healthy academic season.
The movement team also called for a response to the demands of teaching families, in particular the case of “teachers of block 10”, and thus to implement article 81 of the new status, which gives them five legal years to access the first class.
He stressed that securing the school season requires proactive sectoral dialogue, to avoid a repeat of what happened last year.