Morocco lives under: sunburn, heatstroke or sunstroke? Effects of heat on health: Symptoms, protection and prevention…


During a heat wave, the body has more difficulty cooling itself and maintaining its temperature within normal limits. In such periods, prolonged exposure to heat, excessive physical exertion or excessive sweating can have certain health effects.

Symptoms requiring monitoring of health status

In adults

It is important to monitor any deterioration in health in an adult who presents with the following symptoms:


muscle cramps;

swelling of the hands, feet and ankles;

appearance of small red pimples on the skin, called “heat rashes”;

unusual tiredness or exhaustion;

general malaise;

signs of dehydration:

strong thirst,

decreased need to urinate,

dark urine,

dry skin,

rapid pulse and breathing;

nausea or vomiting.

If you experience any of these symptoms, move to a cool place immediately and drink water.

When to consult

Other symptoms, however, require prompt medical attention, within 2 hours. You should go to the emergency room or call 9-1-1 immediately if an adult has one or more of the following symptoms:

difficulty breathing; convulsions (stiffness of the body and jerky, involuntary muscle contractions); signs of decreased consciousness: confusion, unusual behavior, agitation, hallucinations, unresponsiveness to stimuli; loss of consciousness; signs of heatstroke: temperature over 39.5ºC (103.1ºF) on an oral thermometer or over 40ºC (104ºF) on a rectal thermometer, dry, red, hot or pale, cool skin, dizziness or lightheadedness, slurred or illogical speech, aggressive or bizarre behavior, feeling generally unwell.

Heat stroke is the most serious effect of heat. It can occur suddenly and can lead to death in the very short term if left untreated.

In babies or children

Certain symptoms may indicate the presence of heat-related complications:

dry skin, lips, or mouth; abnormal skin color, such as paleness or redness; headache; sunken, dark-colored eyes; decreased urine; vomiting, diarrhea; unusual restlessness, irritability, or confusion; temper tantrums; difficulty breathing; drowsiness, prolonged sleep, and difficulty waking up; body temperature greater than 38.5ºC (101.3ºF) on a rectal thermometer or greater than 37.5ºC (99.5ºF) on an oral thermometer. (Note: Oral temperature taking is not recommended for newborns, infants, and children under 5 years of age.) When to Seek Medical Attention

The deterioration of a child’s health, especially at a young age, can be rapid and difficult to perceive. When the baby or child shows symptoms, a medical consultation is usually necessary.

Protection and prevention

Heat is generally more harmful to health than poor air quality. When the temperature causes discomfort, actions to prevent the effects of heat should be prioritized over those targeting poor air quality.

There are some precautions you can take to prevent the effects of heat, such as staying hydrated and cooling down often.

Risk factors

There is a greater risk of experiencing heat-related discomfort:

when humidity is high; when there is little or no wind; when a period of heat occurs when the body is not used to heat, for example early in the season or suddenly after a period of cool weather; when the heat lasts for several days without respite; when nighttime temperatures are high; in cities, where the temperature is generally higher than in the countryside. People at risk

Some people are at greater risk of developing complications if exposed to heat:

babies and children under 5 years of age; older adults; people who are losing their independence or who live alone: ​​people with reduced mobility, people with limited contact with family or friends; people who suffer from chronic illnesses or serious mental health problems; people who have problems with alcohol or drug use; people who have a physically demanding job or who work in the sun or outdoors, such as construction workers or farm workers; people who work in environments where work processes generate heat, such as foundries or bakeries; people who exercise vigorously outdoors in hot weather, or indoors in unair-conditioned or poorly ventilated areas; people who do not have access to cool or air-conditioned spaces; people who are taking certain medications that can worsen the effects of heat; people who are in poor physical condition or who are overweight; people who are sick and have a fever; pregnant women and their fetuses.

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