Weather: snowfall


Here is the weather forecast established by the General Directorate of National Meteorology for today Tuesday March 26, 2024:

– Rain or stormy showers in the Rif, the High and Middle Atlas, the Northern Regions and the Northern Oriental.

– Scattered rains over the Center, the South of the Oriental, the Mediterranean and the Anti-Atlas.

– Scattered showers in the North of the Southern Provinces.

– Snowfall on the High and Middle Atlas and the Rif, above 1500m.

– Locally strong wind gusts over the Oriental, the Atlas, the Rif and the South-East, and quite strong over the northern plains, the Center, the Tangier Region, the Mediterranean and the North of the Southern Provinces.

– Minimum temperatures of around -02/04°C on the Atlas, 04/08°C on the Rif, the Hauts plateaux and the Phosphates and Oulmès plateaus, 11/17°C on the South and near the Coasts and 08/12°C in the rest of the Kingdom.

– Daily temperatures falling in the South-East and the South and rising elsewhere.

– Rough to rough seas on the Mediterranean, slightly rough to rough on the Strait, rough north of Tarfaya gradually becoming strong to very rough, in the morning, between Tangier and Cap Ghir as well as slightly rough to rough south of Tarfaya.

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