Local authority employers are threatening a new national strike. Here are their demands


The quadripartite union coordination of Territorial Communities announced the organization of a series of national strikes on March 27 and 28, 2024, April 2, 3 and 4, 2024 and April 23, 24 and 25, against the backdrop of what it considers the non-response from the Ministry of the Interior on sectoral dialogue with representatives of employers in the sector.

The quadripartite sectoral union coordination explained in a new press release that it had decided to organize a central protest march in Rabat on April 24, departing from Bab El Hadd, with the various executives wearing the armband throughout the strike days. .

The employers of the Territorial Communities are demanding a general increase in salaries of at least 2,000 Dirhams net per month, the inclusion of all holders of certificates and diplomas not integrated into the appropriate grades of the sector with retroactive administrative and financial effect, the approval of the thirteenth month of remuneration, the approval of sectoral remuneration and the resolution of the file of graduates of Administrative Training Centers, with the resolution of the file of annual examinations and professional competitions by organizing them each time those concerned meet the required conditions, in addition to providing insurance against workplace accidents, repairing workplaces and equipping them with the necessary working means, and allowing employees, women and men, to benefit from real and reliable training to follow the pace of digitalization processes and provide appropriate working resources.

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