Kenitra: Judge’s case referred to Court of Cassation after he committed this violation

A. Latif Baraka: Heba Press

Recently, the prosecution service at the Kenitra Court of Appeal referred the case of a judge-counsellor from the same judicial district to the public prosecutor at the Court of Cassation, so that proceedings could be brought against him, after he committed a road accident while intoxicated and fled, before members of the judicial roadblock surrounded him in the direction of Tangier.

In the details of the incident, the judge advisor committed an accident while driving a four-wheel drive car, in the Al-Khabazat neighborhood, in the center of the western capital, injuring a man with moderately serious injuries, and he fled towards the fixed judicial roadblock erected in the north of the city without stopping so that the road accident brigade could carry out its legal proceedings and call an ambulance.

However, those who reported the incident linked the call to security, who circulated a telegram to different entrances and exits of the city, to be arrested a few minutes after the incident was committed. The elements of the judicial roadblock informed the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and a. The deputy was instructed to go to the roadblock and examine the drunken councilor. An examination device was also used to measure the percentage of alcohol, in accordance with the instructions of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, and to take appropriate measures against him. , so that the King’s Attorney referred his sovereign to the Court of Cassation to complete the rest of the judicial proceedings.

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