Artificial intelligence and cyber security: Tomorrow's challenges for a safer internet


During the conference “Let's protect ourselves for a safer internet” organized by Internet Society Morocco on March 29 in Rabat, Zouheir Lakhdissi, expert in artificial intelligence (AI) and cyber security, shared his analysis on the impact of AI on our society and future security challenges.

According to the expert, artificial intelligence is a hot topic that has gained momentum in recent years with the emergence of generative AI and ChatGPT. Previously reserved for laboratories, large companies and security services, AI is now accessible to the general public. In Morocco, ChatGPT is the sixth most used site with more than 400,000 daily users.

The AI ​​expert drew a parallel with the history of printing, invented in the 15th century, which was initially rejected by the Chinese and Ottoman empires. The latter also banned printing for several centuries, which contributed to its decline. Today, AI is transforming the world and we will all need to change the way we work, collaborate and design our society.

Zouhair Lakhdissi also discussed the impact of AI on the Internet, which will evolve from an “Internet of content and information” to an “Internet of Brains”. In this new paradigm, we will interact with AI representatives of companies and delegate part of our trained brain to specific tasks. This raises new security challenges, including protecting brains and creativity, which will replace data as the primary asset of the economy.

In this context, cyber security will have to evolve to protect these new assets. With tools like ChatGPT, it is already possible to generate code, including malicious code. Malicious actors will use AI to attack systems, while defenders will use it to detect these threats. A major challenge will be to prevent the malicious use of AI, which has already been implicated in election manipulation and influence through machine learning.

In conclusion, Zouheir Lakhdissi underlined the importance of anticipating these changes and preparing for future challenges to guarantee a safer internet and protect our society from threats linked to artificial intelligence.

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