Eid al-Fitr: Narsa calls for greater vigilance and caution on the roads

The National Road Safety Agency (NARSA) calls on road users to take all necessary safety precautions during the Eid al-Fitr holiday, stressing the need for extra caution and vigilance due to inclement weather .
“On the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, which coincides with the exceptional holidays in state and local administrations as well as in educational establishments and following the weather alert bulletin, issued by the General Directorate of Meteorology and forecasting strong gusts of wind with dust blowers in several provinces of the Kingdom from Monday April 2 to next Friday, NARSA calls on all road users to take all necessary precautions and measures to ensure conditions prevention and road safety in anticipation of the intense traffic which marks this period on the various axes of the national road network, emphasizing the need for increased caution and vigilance due to the low visibility, or even its absence, in these weather conditions. , the agency said in a press release.
Due to the high demand for public transportation for intercity travelers, NARSA urges all passengers to wear seat belts, in order to preserve their safety, and to comply with all road safety conditions and requirements throughout the journey.
Drivers of all types of vehicles, in particular drivers of private cars and professional drivers of taxis, public transport coaches and goods, are called upon to respect the Highway Code and exercise greater vigilance, caution and indulgence when traveling.
Travelers are also invited to submit their vehicles to mechanical maintenance and a careful technical examination of the safety systems before hitting the road in order to ensure their proper functioning, in particular the tires, headlights, device brakes, shock absorbers and windshield wipers.
It also recommends that drivers allow themselves moments of rest, warning that fatigue can cause concentration problems and affect their ability to judge distances, speed and responsiveness while driving.
Travelers are also invited to prepare their trip by defining their itineraries in advance to avoid any unpleasant surprises or potential dangers, to arrange and connect luggage safely without overloading the vehicle, in particular for drivers transporting goods and public passenger transport, because this represents a danger for the safety of other road users, the press release added.
When driving, NARSA encourages drivers to reduce their speed and adapt it to climatic and traffic conditions, to observe the Highway Code, particularly on bends, slopes and steep roads, and to keep a safe distance when driving. inside and outside the urban perimeter, especially on national roads and motorways, exercising caution when overtaking and being extra vigilant at night.
NARSA insists, in this context, that children under the age of ten must occupy the rear seats, with the obligation to wear seat belts, whether for front or rear passengers, or even passenger passengers. public transport coaches, and avoid riding in a line.
The same source emphasizes the need to respect the rules of overtaking and stopping and to avoid sudden maneuvers.
The agency also calls on all road users in the urban area, in particular motorcyclists, to respect the Highway Code and traffic rules, in particular speed limits, signs and the wearing of helmets meeting the requirements. safety and security standards, the press release concludes.