The CAS orders the Mouloudia Club of Oujda to pay 900 million centimes to the former captain of the Atlas Lions


The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ordered the Mouloudia Club d’Oujda (MCO) to pay 900 million cents to its former coach, the former captain of the Atlas Lions Abdeslam Ouadou.

Ouadou won his dispute against Mouloudia d’Oujda before the CAS Court after the latter ordered Sindbad de l’Est to pay the sum of 900 million cents in favor of our international Abdeslam, in addition to 33 thousand dirhams for his lawyer costs, the former international paying 20% ​​of the arbitration costs to the Tribunal, while the Oujda team will cover the remaining 80%.

The details of the dispute between Ouadou and Mouloudia date back to 2022, when the MCO team hired Abdeslam to coach the team for four years, before internal disputes affected the contractual relationship between the two parties, and the coach’s contract is unilaterally terminated.

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