Meknes: Release of two victims of kidnapping and sequestration


Elements of the anti-gang brigade of the prefectural service of the judicial police of Meknes succeeded, early Saturday, in freeing two people who were victims of kidnapping and sequestration associated with acts of torture, according to a security source.

The police acted on the basis of a report of alleged acts of kidnapping of a person, sequestered in an iron box connected to electricity, by an individual suspected of trafficking in human beings in within the framework of illegal immigration operations.

The investigations as well as the technical expertise carried out made it possible to identify the place of confinement of the victim, namely the cellar of a villa in Meknes, immediately allowing his release. During the same operation, a second person found kidnapped for around two months was also released and evacuated to hospital.

The investigation by the judicial police resulted in the arrest of the perpetrator of these acts, a Moroccan national of Swiss nationality aged 51. The latter was placed in police custody as part of the investigation ordered by the competent public prosecutor’s office.

The first elements of the investigation show that the suspect’s motive would be linked to acts of fraud in the context of cases of illegal immigration and human trafficking.

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