For the sum of 425 million euros… A former palace of King Mohammed VI for sale in France

The French magazine “Voilici” revealed that the former palace of King Mohammed VI in France is up for sale at a high price.
In a report, the magazine said that it is an Anglo-Norman style palace, built in 1984 by the Rothschild family, located in the town of Gretz-Armainvilliers, a suburb of Seine-et-Marne in Paris.

The magazine added that the late King Hassan II purchased this palace, transforming it from a simple residence into a luxurious Moroccan palace.

This palace, with an area of ​​2,500 square meters, includes no less than 100 rooms, a hairdressing salon, three elevators, five lounges, a bathroom, a dental office, a pharmacy and an analysis laboratory.

The palace has not belonged to the king since 2008, having been sold for a modest sum of 200 million euros at the time, to a man from the Middle East.

The current price of the palace is 425 million euros, and its future owner will be able to enjoy traditional dining rooms, reception rooms, rooms dedicated to hunting, as well as 17 bedrooms with winter gardens on the upper floors. In addition, it has stables that can accommodate up to 50 horses, while in the basement there is a connecting tunnel called “the metro”, where there are European and Moroccan kitchens, grocery stores and cold rooms .

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