Social network X soon to pay for new users?

New users of
The measure will only concern new users of the social network and who will be able to write for free after three months, he specified in another message.
This aims to fight against the incessant onslaught of bots or automated accounts, so that new users have the right to write and express themselves, announced the billionaire.
Today’s artificial intelligences (and troll farms) can easily pass the “are you a robot?” “, he continued.
“Bots”, fake accounts spreading disinformation and false rumors, have multiplied on the platform since its takeover by Elon Musk and the sharp reduction in content moderation.
Following this, the platform was deserted by a large number of advertisers and its value fell from 44 billion dollars to 20 billion, and advertising revenue fell by half, lamented Elon Musk in an internal document consulted by several American media and revealed at the end of March.