The “Capéranats” and the “Node of the map of Morocco

The fundamental principle of international relations requires respect for the sovereignty of States, implying not intervening in their internal affairs. However, according to some analysts, this principle did not find its place among the “Capernats”, who have never stopped attacking the stability and territorial unity of Morocco. They even openly declared that they were a main actor in the artificial conflict over the Moroccanness of the Sahara, after having long acted behind the scenes.

It is more and more obvious every day that the Algerian leaders, the “Capéranats”, are strongly involved in this artificial conflict. They created a fictitious entity and granted it legitimacy, standing behind it diplomatically, militarily and financially to promote their agendas aimed at “stealing” part of Moroccan territory in order to isolate Morocco from its African foothold and corner it. between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and thus subjugate it. This “caperanate” policy is no longer a secret. It became a clear and obvious policy after being carried out behind the scenes under various names such as “neutrality” and “equidistant position between the conflicting parties”, and other fabricated terms. Over time, the intentions of those who orchestrated them were revealed. They spent the oil and gas revenues lavishly, leaving the people in long and boring queues, waiting for a little milk or a bag of lentils and chickpeas… Yes, the intentions were revealed, and the cynicism of the “Capéranats” has reached desperate levels with pathetic attempts to “hide the map of Morocco” to obscure the facts and “distract” the Algerian people from the real problems facing the country economically, socially and politically .

The game of “Caperanats” has become clear, worn out and a primitive method outdated. This is a plot against the people of the Maghreb. This cinematic scene represented by the “suspension of a football team” and the banning of its players from wearing their jerseys is nothing other than a reaction which tangibly exposes the incapacity of the Algerian leaders to remain neutrals in the artificial conflict, thus leaving the following question: “Did Algeria lose its statehood during the era of the Capernates? » This is what the Algerian people must take into account and think about.

The “Caperanates” and the “Node of the Map of Morocco” are two interrelated equations that require in-depth reflection, analysis and evaluation of the “authenticity of the neighbor’s leaders and their ability to manage the affairs of the country” and whether they really possess the skills and conditions necessary to govern, or whether they are “old leaders with a colonial mentality and deep hatred” who practice a policy of diversion of peoples and incitement to conflicts with the aim of seize power and therefore control of the country’s wealth instead of sharing it with their people who suffer from “poverty in a gas country”.

The “Knot of the Morocco map” did not remain at the level of the jerseys of the Renaissance Berkane team, but became a recurrence among the “Capéranats”, gaining momentum after the decision of the national team to Algerian handball under seventeen years old to withdraw from the Arab Championship organized in Morocco. Has the map of Morocco become so disturbing for the Capernats?

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