Furnaces.. The severe cold snap brings to the fore the suffering of residents linked to heating

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press _A Mohyawi

The suffering of the inhabitants of the mountainous areas of the province of Ifrane was renewed with the severe cold wave which brought the firewood crisis to the forefront, due to its high cost given the high prices of basic materials, which negatively affects the economy. academic performance of students in remote areas.

The problem of high firewood prices in Ifrane province is a striking example of the impact of economic and natural conditions on the most vulnerable groups. Given the harsh and cold winter that characterizes the region, especially since the inhabitants of remote villages are suffering these days from extreme cold and without rain, firewood becomes a basic and indispensable need, this which makes its high price a major challenge, especially for families with limited income.

With the arrival of winter, the demand for firewood increases significantly in the Ifrane region, leading to higher prices, especially if supply is limited.

A spokesperson for Heba Press, who declined to be named, said: “There are suspicions of adulteration by some traders who store large quantities of firewood in other seasons. with the aim of selling them at higher prices in winter. High prices double the suffering of poor families, who find themselves forced to allocate a large part of their limited income to cover heating costs. He also added that there was significant looting of forests in the complete absence of guards.

The same speaker added: “Local and central authorities should strive to provide subsidized firewood to poor families, especially in cold mountainous areas. »

The same speaker continued: “If concrete measures are not taken, this crisis could turn into a social catastrophe, which would impose the need for rapid action to alleviate the suffering of the population, especially in light of the general increase in the cost of living and the increase in the cost of living. the drought which affects most regions.

The same speaker added: “Students in mountainous areas face many difficulties in the teaching process during winter due to the lack of firewood in educational units, which has a negative impact on their academic performance through compared to their peers in the rest of the mountain regions. the Kingdom”, calling on government authorities to “seek structural solutions to this problem”. The dilemma lies far from immediate programs related to mitigating the impacts of intense cold.

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