Ministry of A/E: The “Rendez-vous” and “eStamp” systems generalized to all diplomatic missions and consular posts in the Kingdom.

HIBAPRESS-RABAT-MAEC In order to ensure access for Moroccan nationals residing abroad to quality consular services, the “Rendez-vous” and “eTimbre” systems have been generalized since April 1 in all diplomatic missions and consular posts of the Kingdom (MDPC).

As a request expressed at length by the MRE, the establishment of this system reflects the high concern with which HM King Mohammed VI surrounds members of the Moroccan community established abroad to improve their reception conditions in diplomatic missions. and Consular Posts.

Thus, the establishment of an appointment management system along the lines of what is usual in the administrations of host countries will make it possible to meet the expectations and aspirations of MREs for modern and quality consular services. .

This system also offers them easier access to consular services in optimal reception conditions, reduction of waiting times as well as better quality of reception and service.

It also contributes to substantially reducing the long queues in front of the Consular Services of the Kingdom and allows the MDPCs optimal management of the space dedicated to reception as well as the use of new communication and communication technologies. information for better processing of consular services.

This system offers users, once their requests for consular services have been validated by the Consular Services, time slots and dates to choose at their convenience, depending on the service or service of their choice.

Likewise, it allows them to send supporting documents online, even before going to the Consular Services.

In order to ensure the full success of this project, support for users is provided by the Consular Call Center as well as by the Kingdom’s consular services abroad.

Since its launch, the appointment management system has made it possible to process more than 3.2 million appointments, for more than 5 million consular services provided to members of the Moroccan community residing abroad.

Also, as part of the stamp dematerialization operation launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans residing abroad in coordination with the General Treasury of the Kingdom (TGR), the management module of “eTimbre” put in place is intended to be an essential milestone for the modernization of consular action.

The adoption of this new process for paying chancery fees aims to strengthen the climate of trust between users and Consular Services for better transparency in administrative transactions.

The number of services provided thanks to this solution, since its launch, amounts to more than 2.8 million consular services.

The implementation of this system at the MDPC level was accompanied by an effort to deploy Electronic Payment Terminals (EPT) at the Consular Posts level.

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