Agreement with trade union centers for an increase in the salaries of public sector civil servants


The Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, announced, Monday in Rabat, that the Executive and the trade union centers reached, as part of the April round of social dialogue, an agreement for a general increase of 1,000 DH net per month. month of the salaries of public sector civil servants who did not benefit from a salary increase.

In a statement to the press, Mr. Akhannouch specified that this agreement also provides for a monthly reduction in Income Tax (IR) of around 400 Dirhams for civil servants and employees in middle-income categories, as well as a further 10% increase in the Guaranteed Interprofessional Minimum Wage (SMIG) and the Guaranteed Minimum Agricultural Wage (SMAG) in the industry and commerce sectors, as well as for the liberal professions.

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