Hajira: The volume of trade between Morocco and African countries increased to 52.7 billion dirhams

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press. Rabat

The Secretary of State for Foreign Trade, Omar Hajira, indicated Monday to the House of Representatives that the volume of trade between Morocco and African countries, which includes exports and imports, increased from 36.3 billion to 52.7 billion dirhams in 2023.

In his response to oral questions on “Morocco’s foreign trade in Africa”, during the oral questions session, Hajira stressed that exports to African countries represent 7.6% of total Moroccan exports, noting that phosphate and its derivatives represent two thirds of exports to Africa. , as well as fishery products 36 percent, cars 38 percent, textile and clothing products 2 percent, leather products 36 percent and electrical equipment. 19.5 percent.

The government official added that studies indicate that there are untapped opportunities estimated at 12 billion dirhams in exports from which the Moroccan market to Africa can benefit. They also show that there are additional opportunities in different regions of the continent, including 60 investment projects that can benefit. support Moroccan exports.

In his response, the Secretary of State urged Moroccan exporters, particularly small and medium-sized businesses, to strengthen their exports to Africa, which includes a promising market of 1.3 billion consumers.

Mr. Hajira revealed that the ministry is in the process of organizing at the end of next year an exhibition of Moroccan products intended for export, with a part reserved for African products, “with the aim of embodying the integration between the Moroccan and African markets. exports, in accordance with the logic of integration and cooperation desired by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

In this context, he recalled that His Majesty the King has repeatedly insisted on the historical links in their human, spiritual, cultural and economic dimensions, which link Morocco to its African depth and its Atlantic interface.

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