Global 2030: Establishment of an infrastructure roadmap

A roadmap in terms of infrastructure has been put in place to successfully organize the 2030 Football World Cup by Morocco, Minister of Equipment and Water Nizar said on Thursday in Rabat. Barakah.
This roadmap covers the upgrade of the stadiums which will be ready during the 2025 African Cup of Nations planned in Morocco, and the construction of the large Benslimane stadium which will be ready during the 2030 World Cup, as well as the highways and roads that will be built to guarantee smooth access to the stadiums, explained Mr. Baraka in a statement to the press following an extended meeting as part of preparations for the organization of the 2030 World Cup and dedicated to coordination between all the ministerial departments concerned, to the establishment of a unified system of joint collective action and to the realization of an integrated road map.
It is also about upgrading the ports so that they are ready to welcome the public for the 2030 World Cup, noted Mr. Baraka, also mentioning the extension of the TGV line.
The Morocco offer which will be submitted as part of the overall offer with Portugal and Spain must meet the requirements of FIFA, he continued, indicating that a certain number of points were dealt with during of this meeting, including in particular the infrastructure aspect with the various roads and highways that will need to be put in place to be able to meet these expectations.