What will happen to the Ministry of Health agreements once all stages have been completed?
This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press – Rabat
Mustafa Ibrahimi, member of the parliamentary group for justice and development, addressed a written question to the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Amine Tahrawi, on the termination of most agreements related to investments, equipment and services in health establishments since the last government reshuffle. .
Ibrahimi called for an investigation into the matter, questioning what steps the ministry will take to ensure that previous requests for tenders that have passed all legal and regulatory stages will not be returned, in order to maintain transparency and respect for the law.
Ibrahimi pointed out that “a number of investors have expressed their dissatisfaction with a possible decision taken by the ministry at the central level after the government reshuffle, which requires freezing the majority of tenders that were awarded once all legal and regulatory conditions have been met.”
He added that the ministry intends to relaunch new calls for tenders for projects related to construction, equipment and health services, citing the cancellation of the “Shared Patient File” (DPP) file in the amount of 180 million of dirhams, which has raised concerns about a loss of confidence, and the possibility of detailing new payment books to serve the interests of specific investors.