Minister of Family: The revision of the law against violence against women will take into account evaluation studies

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press – Rabat

The Minister of Solidarity, Social Inclusion and Family, Naima Ben Yahia, confirmed Monday during the oral questions session in the House of Representatives that the revision of law 103.13 relating to the fight against violence in towards women will take into account diagnostic and evaluation studies carried out by Parliament, government sectors or the judicial institution, as well as proposals from civil society.

The Minister explained, in her response to questions asked within the framework of the thematic unit “Fight against violence against women”, that the workshops following the implementation of this legal text and its implementing decree are part of the Ministry’s work to combat the phenomenon of violence against women. violence against women, on a legal level, adding that the ministry has worked to provide the necessary financial support to reception centers for women victims of violence, for the year 2024, for a total financial amount of 26 million of dirhams, and to allocate financial support for listening and guidance centers for women victims of violence for 79 projects,

Regarding the standardization of the modalities of provision of care services, the government official stressed that the Ministry was preparing to develop in this area “the reference guide for the care of women victims of violence in institutions multifunctional for women”, which aims to define the rules and standards for providing basic services at the level of these institutions, in addition to raising awareness and combating stereotypes, are considered “the biggest workshop on which we must all work together to correct the concepts.

As part of the preventive approach adopted by the ministry, Ms. Ben Yahia indicated that, like previous years, the 22nd national campaign to combat violence against women and girls was launched on the theme “For a family environment favorable to free social education”. of violence against women”, with the conviction that the most appropriate space to fight against any type of violence is the family.

She indicated that this campaign, organized during the period from November 25 to December 18, 2024, saw the organization of more than 1,557 activities in various regions of the Kingdom, with the participation of more than 152 participants and the participation of women and men. men, stressing that the national campaign “is not, as some believe, a campaign of women against men, but rather a campaign led by a society, with its men and women, against unjustified behavior which cannot be justified or acceptable.

Ms. Ben Yahia concluded that the ministry’s work to address this phenomenon is part of compliance with constitutional requirements aimed at combating discrimination against women, and in response to high royal directives aimed at making advance the condition of women in all areas and protect them against all forms of discrimination, as well as in the implementation of measures of the government program to combat discrimination and improve the condition of Moroccan women.

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