Acquittal of the leader of the Taza group

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press_A Mohyawi

The Taza City Court of Appeal decided, after three sessions, to cancel all sanctions and declare the acquittal of the leader of the Maknasa East group of the People’s Movement Party and the ambulance driver, with the civil rights claimants “the family of the deceased child” bearing the consequences of the trial, and the public treasury bearing the outcome of the public trial.

The case dates back to the child’s death after the ambulance was late in transporting him to hospital, leading to his death.

As a result, the child’s family filed a complaint against the group’s leader, claiming that his negligence and failure to provide an ambulance was the cause of the tragedy.

In the first court decision, the defendants were held responsible for the accident, which resulted in the imposition of financial penalties and suspended imprisonment.

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