The CNSS exceptionally opens its collections on Saturday January 11 and Sunday January 12, to settle business debts.
![الـ CNSS يفتح استثنائيا قباضاته يومي السبت 11 والأحد 12 يناير لتسوية ديون المقاولات](
This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press – Rabat
The National Social Security Fund confirmed, in a press release, that given the importance of the process of partial exemptions for the benefit of indebted companies, the National Social Security Fund informs all its members that its offices will exceptionally open their doors on Saturday , January 11, and Sunday January 12, 2025 in various regions of the Kingdom.
According to a report of which Heba Press received a copy, the initiative, valid until January 15, 2025, aims to help debtor participants pay their debts and allow as many of them as possible to benefit from partial exemption. deadlines. , fines and debt recovery costs.
As a reminder, this exemption applies to all unpaid debts linked to the period of December 2024 and before, according to the following percentages: