With a capacity to accommodate around 500 trainees…the opening of a training school for security agents in Marrakech
This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press
On the occasion of the anniversary of the submission of the document demanding independence, the General Directorate of National Security inaugurated, today Saturday, a new police training school in the city of Marrakech, bearing the name “Marrakech security agent training school”.
The primary mission of this school is to strengthen the police training system and strengthen the absorption capacity of the police structures responsible for training, by providing basic training programs for the benefit of some of the new trainee regiments. female and male in security guarding. body, as well as contributing to the enrichment and strengthening of continuing education programs.
The opening of the new training school for security agents in the city of Marrakech is part of the implementation of structuring projects recently announced by the General Directorate of National Security, as part of its annual program , linked to the rehabilitation and development of police facilities, in particular the strengthening of police training structures and support for regional centers of security training schools.
Since 2016, the General Directorate of National Security has been involved in the implementation of an ambitious project, which aims to develop the police training system as a basic entry point for a comprehensive and profound reform of the security function, through the revision of the employment charter and training programs, and create new specialized schools, geographically close to new female and male trainees.
According to this new strategic vision, the General Directorate of National Security now has numerous security training schools, including the Royal Police Institute of Kenitra, and training schools for security agents in the cities of Laâyoune, Oujda , Fez, Tangier, Marrakech, Bouqnadel, and the region of Fouarat, on the outskirts of Kenitra, as well as the Higher Police Training Center in the city of Ifrane, the launch of which is planned soon, to constitute a center for international and African security cooperation in this area. police training.
An exploratory visit to the Director General of National Security and National Territorial Surveillance
The Director General of National Security and Territorial Control carried out an inspection visit to the headquarters of the new training school for security agents in the city of Marrakech, before its official opening, to note the latest preparations and arrangements made for welcome the first vanguards of the regional regiment of apprentice security guards.
The Director General of National Security also inspected the various facilities of the new training school for security agents in Marrakech, and also heard the explanations provided by the Director of Human Resources on the educational training and police training programs. . He also reviewed the objectives set. for this new training structure in the short, medium or long term.
During this visit, the Director General of National Security and Territorial Surveillance highlighted the importance and necessity of developing training programs and their compatibility with the new philosophy of security work, which is based on service to the citizen and the improvement of security services. pay particular importance and great attention to new trainees, women and men, because they are the police officers of tomorrow, ensuring that they are cognitively qualified, have a culture of human rights and are well protected against any defective behavior or suspicious, so that they are. can achieve the best possible Their noble duties are to maintain security, protect property and provide the optimal space to enjoy rights and freedoms.
The Director General of National Security and Territorial Control was accompanied during this visit by the Inspector General, the Director of Human Resources, the Director of Public Security, the Director of the Information and Communication System, the Director of Equipment and Budget, and the Governor. of Marrakech Security, as well as the Director of the Royal Police Institute and the Director of the Security Agents Training School, newly appointed to fulfill this new mission.
A new police training school with a capacity of around 500 trainees
The new security agent training school in Marrakech was built on a total area of approximately 7,826 square meters, with a capacity capable of accommodating 500 trainees throughout the basic training period of the security agent corps.
The engineering of this new training structure has been carefully designed to offer all accommodation and living facilities, teaching and training rooms and outdoor training spaces, allowing the training period to be spent in the best conditions. with a view to integration into service and appointment centers.
In this regard, the Marrakech Security Agents Training School has a residential wing comprising 16 accommodation units, an equipped kitchen, two separate restaurants and a set of health equipment, in addition to a wing educational which includes a “multipurpose” multi-activity room. with a capacity of 100 people, and 10 study rooms, and a remote information and debate room.
This school was also equipped with a clinic offering first and second level medical consultation services, an administrative space including 19 offices, a meeting room and a prayer room, in addition to a square of honor to hoist the national flag and several arenas. for various paramilitary and sports training.
The General Directorate of National Security hopes that the Training School for Security Agents of the city of Marrakech will contribute to strengthening and promoting specialization in the field of security training, to bringing together the training centers of male and female trainees , as well as offering appropriate conditions. to develop the training system for the benefit of new executives who join the ranks of National Security, and who have the duty to protect… security, property and maintain the security of the homeland and citizens.