Drinking water in rural areas: 119 rural centers and 2,400 douars supplied between 2022 and 2024


Some 119 rural centers and 2,400 douars in the rural world were supplied with drinking water between 2022 and 2024, with an investment volume of 4.3 billion dirhams (MMDH), indicated Monday in Rabat, the Minister of Equipment and Water, Nizar Baraka.

In response to two oral questions in the House of Representatives on the subject of the “national program for supplying the rural world with drinking water”, the minister affirmed that this program is part of the generalization of access to water. drinking water for unsupplied douars and aims to rehabilitate the supply system in douars with unstable water systems.

The budget of the program, which extends until 2027, has been revised upwards, reaching 143 billion dirhams, including 29 billion dirhams intended to guarantee access to drinking water in rural areas.

In this context, the minister reported the acquisition of 1,200 tank trucks over the last two years, in order to ensure the delivery of water to the rural population, as well as 200 mobile desalination and treatment stations. mineral waters, distributed in all provinces and rural areas, in addition to the creation of fountains and hill dams.

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