The absence of sardines on Moroccan tables… a supply crisis and rising prices

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:
Heba Press – Abdel Latif Baraka
In a remarkable development, sardines, which have long been a favorite food and constant companion on the tables of Moroccan families, are now being kept away from many of these tables due to the unprecedented rise in their prices. As prices of this popular fish have increased, obtaining it has become a daily challenge for many Moroccans, sparking a wave of discontent among citizens, especially those who rely on it as their main meal due to its quality and its acceptable price.
High prices and their impact on the purchasing power of citizens
Talking about the prices of sardines on the Moroccan market is no longer limited to the period of Ramadan alone, where its price reached at that time 20 dirhams per kilogram, and the increase in price during the holy month was considered a seasonal affair based on the offer. and demand. But over time, this fish began to experience a continuous increase in its price throughout the year, reaching 30 dirhams per kilogram in some Moroccan cities, which is considered a big jump compared to the prices from previous years.
This sharp increase has led to the reluctance of many installment traders in popular markets to buy sardines, believing that the cost of supply exceeds the purchasing power of citizens. As a result, fish, which was a staple food for families with limited income, began to gradually disappear from many tables, forcing families to look for other alternatives that may not be available or affordable to everyone. world.
Local markets and products: supply challenges
Although Morocco has more than 3,500 kilometers of coastline and is one of the world’s largest fish producers, the sardine supply crisis remains a major problem. Climate fluctuations, sea pollution and regulatory issues in the fishing sector are among the reasons that have contributed to the lack of market supply. Furthermore, fishermen face great challenges given the increasing costs of fishing, which are directly reflected in the prices that consumers are forced to pay.
A call for government intervention
Faced with this crisis, citizens have requested official clarifications from the authorities concerned on the reasons for this unjustified increase in sardine prices. They also expressed their dissatisfaction with the lack of government intervention to control the market, especially in light of the abundance of fisheries resources that Morocco possesses. While the country has rich marine resources, the citizen faces a difficult situation as the prices of basic foodstuffs increase significantly.
In this context, many activists and citizens have called for the need to take urgent measures to ensure price stability and protect the purchasing power of Moroccan families, particularly in the difficult economic conditions the country is experiencing.
The absence of sardines on Moroccan tables, given their high prices, reflects a complex crisis in the supply of marine products and requires a rapid response from authorities to protect consumer rights. What is happening today is not only an increase in prices, but rather an indication of a defect in the management of a sensitive sector considered as an essential element of the Moroccan table. To remedy this situation, the government must urgently intervene to control the market and ensure the supply of sardines at reasonable prices, so that this fish remains available to all levels of society, especially in light of the economic conditions current.