The Competition Council announces the value of gasoline and gasoline imports

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press – Rabat

A report from the Competition Council reveals that the volume of total imports of gasoline and gasoline amounts to 1.7 million tonnes, with a financial envelope of 12.9 billion dirhams for the third quarter of 2024, respectively recording a variation of 10.8% and a decrease of 9.75. percent compared to the same period a year ago.

The latest report from the Competition Council on monitoring the implementation of commitments made by gasoline wholesale and distribution companies as part of the reconciliation agreements concluded with the Competition Council for the third quarter 2024 showed that gasoline accounted for more than 88 percent of the volume and value of imports, while the share of gasoline stood at 12 percent.

At the same time, the report indicates that the number of companies obtaining authorization to carry out the activity of importing liquid petroleum products increased to 31 companies at the end of September 2024, the same number recorded at the end of June 2024.

The same source indicated that for the nine companies covered in the Competition Council report, they achieved approximately 84 percent of the volume and value of total imports into the market in the third quarter of 2024.

In detail, the import volume of these nine companies recorded an increase of 5.1% during the third quarter of 2024, from 1.36 million tonnes in 2023 to around 1.43 million tonnes in 2024.

In terms of value, the value of imports stood at around 10.89 billion dirhams during the same period in 2024, compared to 12.66 billion dirhams on an annual basis, recording a decrease of around 14 per cent. hundred.

A detailed analysis by fuel type revealed that gasoline imports recorded an increase of 3.6% in volume (1.25 million tonnes compared to 1.2 million tonnes) and a decrease of approximately 15.4 % in value (9.43 billion dirhams against 11.15 billion dirhams). during the third quarter of 2024.

As for the volume of gasoline imports carried out by the nine companies, it reached 178 thousand tons during the third quarter of 2024, an increase of 18.4 percent compared to the year 2023, but it experienced a decline of its value of 3.6 percent. , increasing from 1.51% to around 1.46 billion dirhams.

Regarding domestic tax revenues from gasoline and gasoline imports, they stood at approximately 7.21 billion dirhams for the third quarter of 2024, compared to 6.76 billion dirhams a year ago. , an increase of more than 6.6%.

This increase is due to the increase in domestic consumption tax revenues, mainly due to the increase in the volume of gasoline and gasoline imports (plus 10.8 percent).

The domestic consumption tax for both types amounted to 5.35 billion dirhams (74% of total tax revenue), recording an increase of 10.6% (a difference of 515 million dirhams) over a annual basis.

Concerning revenues linked to the value added tax applied to imports, they decreased by 3.1%, to stand at around 1.86 billion dirhams during the third quarter of 2024, and thus represent 26% of revenues. total tax revenues from imports from both countries. types of fuels together.

Analysis of data by fuel type shows that tax revenues derived from gasoline imports constituted approximately 82.6% of total revenues during the third quarter of 2024, amounting to 5.96 billion dirhams.

Furthermore, the Competition Council confirmed that the nine companies concerned by this report contributed to a financial envelope amounting to 6.14 billion dirhams (or 85.4% of total income), including 4.47 billion of dirhams linked to the internal tax on consumption, and 1.67 billion dirhams in value added tax on the importation of gasoline and gasoline.

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