Sefrou: A road accident ends the life of a soldier

Heba Press _ Fez
Yesterday, Tuesday, May 7, a young man who was riding a motorcycle was killed in a fatal road accident on the road linking the Agbalou Agourar community and the town of Sefrou, in the Kshata region, according to a source “Heba “. Press on “.
The details of the accident go back to the same source, when a motorcycle carrying a young man in his twenties, a long-time employee of the Royal Armed Forces, collided with a large taxi.
As soon as they learned of the accident, the Royal Gendarmerie of Bhalil and an ambulance immediately arrived to intervene and draw up a judicial report. The body of the deceased was transported to the morgue of the Mohammed V hospital in Sefrou, and the Bhalil Gendarmerie opened its doors. a judicial investigation to find out the circumstances of this fatal accident.