FRMKMTA: Clarification on the title of kickboxing world champion in France.

Following the dissemination by several media of the information according to which a Moroccan champion would have won a world kickboxing title in Belgium or France, in this case Mohamed Ben Abbas, who was crowned Saturday evening, May 11, 2024, champion of world for weight less than 84 kg, the Royal Moroccan Federation of Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Savat and Similar sports is surprised by such misleading information which would dilute and trivialize this noble sporting art, which has recognized national and international institutions and authorized alone to recognize such titles and to certify them.
If we are surprised by such false news which dilutes and trivializes this noble sporting art, which has its own national and international institutions recognized and authorized to recognize and validate such titles according to the conditions set for this purpose, it confirms that the so-called world title match was only an ordinary exhibition fight, organized by organizers under the supervision of an organization calling itself AFSO which has no recognition from an international sports organization official.
Indeed, champions who participate in competitions for a world title must first have a certain number of professional fights with a certain number of victories and a track record of national, continental and international titles, which is the opposite of which is promoted for this player who has no such track record.
Therefore, the Royal Moroccan Federation of Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Savat and Similar sports, while regretting the promotion of this erroneous news, also clarifies that it is authorized to grant the appropriate licenses to players to participate in title matches in accordance with the international laws in force in this regard, and also confirms that it does not hesitate to inform the national sports public opinion of each update and each time it concerns one of the real world titles obtained by Moroccan champions through declarations issued periodically and continuously.