The Minister of Agriculture, Maritime Fisheries, Rural Development and Water and Forests, Mohamed Sadiki, visited the Machrouch research station as part of a demonstration day under the theme “New obtainings of l “INRA at the service of resilient and eco-efficient agriculture”.

Organized jointly by the National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRA) and the International Center for Agricultural Research in Arid Zones (ICARDA), this demonstration day provided information on recently developed varieties that have tolerance to drought as well as the seed multiplication program.

Through this demonstration event, intended for farmers and all institutional and professional partners, INRA reports on the genetic progress of its new accessions, allowing the various stakeholders to inquire about their agronomic, physiological and technological, in order to increase the rate of their use and appropriation by Moroccan farmers.

For example, the new variety of durum wheat “Jawahir”, registered in 2023, has a grain yield potential allowing a yield gain of 30% compared to old varieties.

Likewise, the “Chifaa” barley variety, registered in 2016, constitutes the first variety of hulless barley throughout the African continent with a beta glucan content of 8% as well as soluble fiber reducing cholesterol, diabetes and heart attacks.

Furthermore, the visit to the platforms made it possible to review the direct sowing program as well as the multiplication program for pre-basic and basic seeds of new varieties licensed or in the concession phase.

In a statement to the press on the sidelines of this day, Mr. Sadiki said that his department strives to improve Moroccan agriculture through scientific research, by developing more productive, resilient crops adapted to contemporary challenges such as as climate change and population growth.

He also praised the work carried out by INRA and ICARDA in the field of innovation in agricultural techniques and scientific research in the different areas of experimentation of INRA in Morocco, highlighting the “Generation Green 2020-2030 » implemented at the level of each region through integrated projects and programs involving all agricultural sectors.

In a similar statement, the director of INRA, Faouzi Bekkaoui welcomed the progress made by his establishment with a view to achieving 100% Moroccan cereal seed production by 2030 in order to achieve food sovereignty, as part of the “Green Generation 2020-2030” strategy, highlighting the importance and very honorable yield of certain varieties adapted to the water stress experienced by Morocco during this agricultural campaign.

For his part, the acting deputy director of ICARDA, Michael Baum, highlighted the efforts made by the ministry as well as all stakeholders to adapt Moroccan agriculture to water stress, noting that the results of the research ‘ICARDA since its arrival in Morocco in 2013 are the result of a joint effort, drawing on the collective expertise, resources and facilities of esteemed partners such as the Ministry of Agriculture and INRA.

As a reminder, INRA has “Platforms for demonstrating its new productions” installed in six experimental areas representing the main production areas, namely Tadla (Afourer), Haouz (Tassaout), Saïs (Douyet), Gharb (Sidi Allal Tazi). ), Zaër (Marchouch), and the mountain (Annoceur).

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