“African Lion 2024”: Simulation exercise at the Combined Operations Center in Agadir


A command exercise (Command Post Exercise-CPX) is taking place at the Combined Operations Center, erected at the South Zone Headquarters in Agadir, on the occasion of the 20th edition of the “African” exercise. Lion” who stands in accordance with the high instructions of the King, Supreme Leader and Chief of General Staff of the Royal Armed Forces.

The CPX (May 20 to 31) is a simulation exercise aimed at testing the readiness and ability of participants to ensure the operational readiness of the Combined Joint Task Force and brings together military executives of different nationalities to train them on the planning, conducting joint operations and implementing coordination procedures between units.

This simulation exercise was programmed for the benefit of a Combined Joint Task Force, with its Land, Air, Sea and Special Forces components, to ensure the planning and conduct of joint operations.

The CPX aims to consolidate interoperability between participants within the framework of a Combined Joint Task Force to counter a large-scale conventional threat, combined with the actions of terrorist groups.

Participants from various nationalities worked closely together to strengthen coordination and hone skills in planning and conducting operations.

This exercise allows the sharing of expertise and know-how. It represents an effective means for consolidating knowledge in planning, conducting and coordinating operations between the different components: Land, Air, Sea and special forces.

On Monday, a ceremony was organized at the headquarters of the South Zone General Staff in Agadir, announcing the official launch of the “African Lion” exercise, in the presence of representatives of the participating countries.

Around 7,000 elements of the armed forces from around twenty countries in addition to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) are taking part alongside the FAR and the American Armed Forces in these large-scale military maneuvers.

Scheduled to take place in Benguerir, Agadir, Tan-Tan, Akka and Tifnit, the “African Lion 2024” exercise includes several activities including tactical, land, maritime and air exercises, combined, day and night, an exercise special forces and airborne operations.

This twentieth edition also includes training to combat weapons of mass destruction and a range of medico-surgical and social services provided for the benefit of the population of the Akka region by a military field hospital.

Contributing to the strengthening of operational, technical and procedural interoperability between the participating armies, the “African Lion 2024” exercise, the largest exercise conducted in Africa, remains an unmissable event where military executives come together to exchange information. procedures and experiences, particularly in terms of training and combined joint training.

This twentieth edition testifies to the sustainability which characterizes the cooperation between the FAR and the American Armed Forces, reflecting the historical and solid links which bind the two countries.

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