Report: Ordinary revenues of local authorities exceeded 13.6 billion dirhams this year.

A report covering many positive points was published by the General Treasury of the Kingdom concerning the situation of local authorities in Morocco and their financial liquidity, which recorded a high surplus over the last year.
In detail, the General Treasury of the Kingdom specified that the execution of the budgets of local authorities generated a total surplus of 5.6 billion dirhams at the end of last April, compared to a total surplus of 1.6 billion dirhams recorded at last year.
According to the same report, in the most recent monthly bulletin from the General Treasury of the Kingdom on local financial statistics, this surplus takes into account a positive balance of 413 million dirhams for special accounts and ancillary budgets, indicating that it is intended to cover agreed expenses to be paid in 2024.
The ancillary budgets and special accounts managed by local authorities, for their part, generated positive balances of 1 million dirhams and 591 million dirhams respectively at the end of April, compared to a zero balance for the ancillary budgets and a positive balance of 413 million dirhams for special accounts registered the previous year.
The surplus in the budgets of local authorities at the end of April 2024, to which is added the income from loans of 190 million dirhams, made it possible to repay the principal of the debt of 1.11 billion dirhams and to reconstitute the surpluses to the amount of 4.7 billion dirhams.
Ordinary revenues of local authorities reached 13.6 billion dirhams, up 13.5% compared to the end of April 2023, due to the increase in transferred revenues of 12.2%, revenues managed by the State of 38.9% and revenues managed by local authorities of 7.8%.
During the same period, the total expenditure of local authorities (ordinary expenditure, investment expenditure, repayment of debt principal) amounted to 9.7 billion dirhams, down 18% compared to the recorded level. at the end of April 2023, of which 74.6% were ordinary expenses.