An explosion inside a ship in the port of Jorf Lasfar A new worker arrives at the scene of the accident.

Heba Press by Jorf Lasfar
At least three people were killed and others were injured more or less seriously following an explosion in the engine room of an Ethiopian ship.
According to the Heba Press source, the explosion occurred suddenly, inside the engine room of the Ethiopian ship located kilometers from the port of Jorf Lasfar in El Jadida.
The same source adds that the worker from the wilaya of El Jadida traveled to the port of Jorf Lasfar, to personally follow the rescue operations, extinguish the fire which broke out on the ship, and count the losses. material and human.
The regional commander of the Royal Gendarmerie, the regional commander of civil protection and the heads of the various security agencies also took possession of the premises, in addition to the assistance of the industrial security teams of the Sharif phosphate complex, with his fire-fighting means available. mechanisms and ambulances.