“Operation Climate – Support for the National Determined Contribution” Program: Second mission to support the implementation of the World Bank amounting to $350 million


As part of monitoring the implementation of the “Operation Climate – Support for National Determined Contribution” program, financed by the World Bank under a loan agreement for results, in the amount of $350 million , over a period of five years, which entered into force on January 8, 2024, a mission to support the implementation of the program was led by the World Bank from May 13 to 24, 2024.

This mission was an opportunity to take stock of (i), the establishment of the governance bodies planned within the framework of the said program, the progress of the execution of the planned activities, the finalization of the manual related operations as well as the review of fiduciary and environmental and social safeguard aspects in accordance with World Bank procedures.

It should be remembered that the “Operation Climate – Support for the National Determined Contribution” program is structured around two main areas of results: -the first aims to strengthen institutional capacities, coordination mechanisms and data systems in in favor of coordinated climate action according to the principle of “whole of government”.

-As for the second result area, it aims to improve the resilience of populations and ecosystems vulnerable to climate change in our country.

In this regard, a program management unit (UGP) was established at the level of the Ministry of Economy and Finance – Budget Directorate – on February 5, 2024, responsible for coordinating and monitoring the implementation implementation of the Program, supported by a technical committee composed of focal points from the various implementing agencies.

On the strategic level, a steering committee (Copil) was established on April 9, 2024, chaired by the Director of the Budget, and comprising members representing the different ministerial departments and public institutions in charge of implementing the program.

Furthermore, it should be noted that the management of the program will be carried out using a “collaborative leadership” approach, through the establishment of working groups which will discuss the specific thematic areas covered by the Climate operation (Green Taxonomy, green public procurement, climate data, etc.)

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