Unpublished: The Ministry of Industry and Commerce signs a Memorandum of Understanding with the Italian group NUTI IVO for the creation of a modern tannery in Morocco


During a ceremony which took place in the presence of the Minister of Industry and Commerce Mr. Ryad Mezzour and the CEO of the Italian group NUTI IVO Mr. Fabrizio Nuti, a memorandum of understanding was recently signed in Rabat , for the creation of a modern tannery in Morocco.

The Nuti Ivo group of Tanneries is one of the largest in Italy. It has a turnover of 150 million Euros and employs more than 300 people.

The group has been present in Morocco since 2010 with the Shihara tannery located in Marrakech in the Sidi Ghanem Industrial Zone. This tannery achieves a turnover of more than 109.3 million dirhams mainly from exports, notably to Italy, China and Thailand.

This memorandum of understanding, which extends over the period 2025-2029, concerns an investment of more than 131.2 million Dirhams, the achievement of an annual turnover of 300 million Dirhams, of which more than 90% is intended for export and 265 direct jobs in the long term. Daily production is estimated at 11,500 skins, which will mainly come from local sources.

This new project will be designed in a logic of circular economy and sustainability, through the use of solar energy for part of the tannery’s electricity needs, the treatment of waste and the recovery of the latter, in particular for the production of fertilizers, compost and gelatin.

“The tanning industry in Morocco is a historic sector undergoing rapid change in the face of environmental challenges and requirements. The new project for the modern tannery of the NUTI IVO group fits perfectly into this dynamic, since it will meet the requirements of targeted markets in terms of respecting quality and environmental standards and will make it possible to provide a medium and high-end raw material. . This represents a great opportunity for companies in the Moroccan leather ecosystem wishing to significantly move upmarket,” declared Mr. Mezzour.

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