Talbi Alami announces the launch of a Morocco-Mauritania parliamentary forum


The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami, announced, Friday in Nouakchott, the launch of a Morocco-Mauritania parliamentary forum aimed at contributing to the strengthening of relations between the two countries.

The Moroccan Parliament and the Mauritanian National Assembly have decided to create a Joint Parliamentary Forum to raise ties between the two countries to the rank of strategic relations, said Mr. Talbi Alami, in a statement to the press, at the resulting from his meetings with the Mauritanian Prime Minister, Mohamed Ould Bilal, which was also attended by members of the Moroccan parliamentary delegation and the Kingdom’s ambassador to Mauritania, Hamid Chabar.

This forum, which will be held alternately each year, in Rabat and Nouakchott, will be an opportunity to discuss issues of common interest and to establish partnerships. Leaders from different sectors, politicians and businessmen will be invited.

Mr. Talbi Alami also had talks with the President of the National Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Mohamed Bamba Meguet, focused on strengthening parliamentary cooperation.

At the head of a large parliamentary delegation, Mr. Talbi Alami, is making a working visit to Nouakchott on February 9 and 10, at the invitation of his Mauritanian counterpart, Mohamed Ould Meguett.

In addition to the President of the House of Representatives, the delegation is made up of the President of the National Rally of Independents Group, Mohamed Ghayat, the President of the Istiqlalien Group of Unity and Egalitarianism, Nourdin Moudian, the President of the Socialist Opposition Group Ittihadi, Abderrahim Chahid, the president of the Democratic and Social Constitutional Group, Chaoui Belassal, the president of the Progress and Socialism Group, Rachid Hamouni and the president of the Justice and Development Group, Abdellah Bouanou.

This working visit aims to strengthen cooperation ties between the two legislative institutions, to intensify coordination and the exchange of parliamentary experiences and to discuss issues of common interest.

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