Because of the “Maradona” legend, Castro enacts a law banning Cuban child labor

A. Latif Baraka: Heba Press

In 1995, during Maradona’s stay in Cuba to recover from his addiction, organized by his friend, the Cuban leader “Fidel Castro”. Coincidentally, Maradona participated in the celebration of the anniversary of the Cuban Revolution, organized by the Communist Party. The celebration brought together leading political, artistic, sports and literary figures from around the world.

To the sound of the Cuban music “Havana Fiala”, an 8-year-old girl entered the “Streel Plorn” room and interrupted the musical piece that encouraged the guests to dance the Cuban dance “Havana Banana”. looking at the child with disgust. Her clothes were dirty and her features were almost hidden behind the grease and smoke of the car.

Regardless of how she entered the party, the girl was rejected and thrown out, placing her face on the ground and tears on her cheek. Only one person was affected by this situation, and he came out of the party and brought the girl who was sitting on the sidewalk crying, and he entered the party and danced the “Havana Banana” dance with her for over an hour and left all the guests and anyone who wanted to take pictures with him.

Maradona took the girl by the hand and entered Castro’s room with her, interrupting a meeting Castro was holding with the Colombian president and a group of world ambassadors. He was extremely angry: “Listen, my friend, we are here drinking, singing, and dancing in honor of a revolution, and there are still children here who cannot watch us dance. Look, Vidal, look, my friend.

Because of this position, Fidel Castro issued a well-known law called the “White Decree,” which prohibited the work of children and young people during the period of study, held the state responsible for their food, drink and education, and prohibited the work of girls in particular, except with the written approval of Fidel himself.

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