Journalist Atiq Benchiker: “I was immersed in the illusion of using the screen as a home and a place.”

Heba Press-E. Al-Samalali

Journalist Atiq Benchiker published a post on his official Facebook page a few days ago, in which he expressed his current position regarding his use of the screen as a home and place. He wrote in his blog post: “I had to carve. through a small window of my heart, enough to look at those I love and greet those I love. my life oscillated between the lie of promises and the waste of style. I was a prisoner between illuminated walls, bright lights and officials of (paper/signature/and seal): flattering earthly men created his descendants of affinity, favoritism. and seasonal emblems.

Atiq added: “Today, despite the falling of the masks, their loyalty to each other remains, even if their future is as dark as their faces. They have deported an entire people to destinations that have everything except the testimony of the homeland (of chastity, purity and virtue)…
And they took it upon themselves to sting those who discovered the lie of a sheikh made of glass and wood. Laila’s bed was broken by astrologers (star makers) and wasters… and they revealed the innocence of the whole scene.

It is worth noting that Atiq Benchiker is a brilliant Moroccan media personality who has made a strong mark in the field by presenting a set of distinguished programs.

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