Trial of ‘Moroccans and Turks’ in human trafficking ring begins

A. Latif Baraka: Heba Press

The Criminal Chamber of First Instance at the Court of Appeal in Rabat has opened the first hearings of the trial of a network of human trafficking, exploitation and movement of young Moroccan girls for the purpose of “prostitution” operating between Morocco and Turkey, after transferring 7 defendants, including four. Turks and three Moroccans, including a woman, in the courtroom of the Court of Appeal during the first hearings, prosecuting them for what they are accused of.

The people detained in Al-Arjat prison were postponed until the end of September, at the request of their defense, in court. The security services also heard several young girls who were victims of the network, including the one at the origin of this network. case, and who intervened in the fall of its members in the security coordination between Moroccan security and the international police “Interpol”.

The case exploded last January, after the family of a twenty-year-old girl filed an official complaint with the judicial and security authorities in Rabat, about her exposure to the crime of kidnapping, detention, torture and horrific sexual exploitation by several people, as the dream of immigrating to Turkey to work in coordination with a Moroccan mediator turned into a nightmare after being detained by an organized network and forced into prostitution.

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