Activists launch ‘Speak Your Language’ campaign to defend Amazigh language during census
Amazigh activists reportedly launched a Facebook campaign titled “Speak Your Language,” referring to Amazigh speakers who were required to speak their dialect instead of the dialect while answering census questions in order to not be classified as Arabic speakers.
The campaign brandished the slogan “Saul S Else Nick,” which means “Speak your language,” and on Sunday, the general population census process was launched in various regions of the Kingdom, where census officials began visiting homes and markets in several cities to obtain information. data from citizens.
On Thursday, Ahmed Al-Halimi, head of the government’s High Commission for Planning in Rabat, said that 55,000 people will participate in the census process, which will last throughout September.
Al-Halimi said at a press conference in Rabat that census officials will use electronic panels to collect information.
He highlighted the designation of 38,000 census areas in the country, in which housing, economic activities, mosques and markets were identified.
For the seventh time in its history, the Kingdom is organizing the census process, conducting it every 10 years, and the population is estimated at around 37 million people in 2024.