Gaza: Security Council adopts resolution calling for immediate ceasefire


The UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Monday demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza during the month of Ramadan and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, while stressing the urgent need for 'expand the flow' of humanitarian aid.

The text received 14 votes in favor and one abstention (United States).

The Council resolution “demands an immediate humanitarian ceasefire during the month of Ramadan that is respected by all parties and leads to a lasting ceasefire.” It also “demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and the guarantee of humanitarian access to meet their medical and other humanitarian needs, and further requires the parties to respect their obligations under international law with regard to all the people they detain.”

The members of the Council finally insist “on the urgent need to extend the delivery of humanitarian aid to civilians and to strengthen the protection of civilians throughout the Gaza Strip.”

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