Gas, Green Hydrogen, Phosphate, Sustainable Development but what are Morocco’s qualifications in the field of the blue economy? Reminder


The blue economy in Morocco is an essential lever for accelerating sustainable economic growth and social development, while sustainably exploiting oceans, seas and marine resources.

Thanks to its strategic geographical position, with two maritime facades extending over 3,500 kilometers of coastline and its fishing and energy resources, the Kingdom has real potential in the field of the blue economy.

Abdallah Rattal, expert in the field of environment and sustainable development, spoke one day, in an interview given to the map, on the potential of the blue economy in Morocco, the commitments and opportunities for growth in the sectors that make up this economy. Reminder

1- What are Morocco’s qualifications in the field of the blue economy?

I think that the blue economy represents one of the pillars of sustainable development for modern Morocco, within the framework of the challenges and orientations of the National Sustainable Development Strategy and the new development model. It completes the range of sectoral strategies launched by the country in several areas, notably agriculture, the environment, industrial acceleration and tourism.

It is a priority and beneficial economy for the country which has 3,500 kilometers of coastline on the Mediterranean and Atlantic coasts, of which 9 out of 12 regions are coastal. Morocco is a maritime country par excellence.

It is clear that the maritime and coastal environment constitutes a major strategic asset for Morocco, firstly through its privileged geographical location between two seas, then by ensuring several vital roles at different levels: Historical through a rich history linked to the sea, economic in terms of fishing resources, tourism and exchanges with countries around the world, and cultural to the extent that the coastline exists in the imagination of Moroccans as a source of inspiration for creators and a site of spiritual monuments.

Natural assets are also important, with the diversity of coastal and marine ecosystems which contain a rich fauna and flora biodiversity, and sites and districts which are sometimes of global interest. Fisheries resources also contribute to the country’s food security and the local economy of small-scale fishermen and coastal populations.

Given the advancement and degradation of the coastline, the major issues are its conservation and sustainable exploitation, through rational governance based on the principles of an integrated coastal zone management approach, concretized by the provisions of the law 81-12 on the coast.

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