Marrakech: Coordination between security and gendarmerie overthrows contraband trafficking gang led by a “woman”

The anti-drug brigade, in coordination with members of the judicial police and technical support for research, supported by the anti-gang brigade of the State Judicial Police service in Marrakech, was able to put an end to the criminal activity carried out. by a woman at the old military roundabout, who is responsible for the promotion of the drugs shera, kief, and paste, and the manufacturing… And the distillation of the Eau de Vie liqueur, and this operation was successful to the arrest of 4 of his assistants in flagrante delicto, for which two cans of Shera and a quantity of putty were seized, in addition to the Water of Life.
A move was also carried out in one of the offices of the Saada community and, in coordination with the Royal Gendarmerie, a judicial search was carried out in a house used by the suspect as a hideout for distilling the Eau de Vie liquid, where it was possible to seize equipment used for the same purposes and a quantity of Shera, made up of 15 cans, and a quantity of mastic and kief, in addition to… A significant quantity of the Eau de Vie liquid is packaged in containers. plastic bags and drums.
The total weight of the objects seized reached 1,536 grams of Shera, 570 grams of Paste, 76 grams of Kif and 462 liters of Eau de Vie.
Consequently, and under the control of the competent public prosecutor’s office, the persons concerned were placed under theoretical police custody measures in order to further investigate the circumstances of this criminal act before bringing them to its attention.