A march in Rabat against strike and retirement laws

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press. Rabat

Today, Sunday December 29, 2024, the Moroccan Front against strike and retirement laws organized a central march in Rabat, to renew its rejection of the strike bill.

The Front described the law as “restrictive”, warning of its “dangerous” effects on the exercise of this right in the public and private sectors.

The march also aimed to express rejection of what it calls the “sabotage of pension systems”.

Participants in the march raised slogans denouncing certain provisions of the strike bill, expressing their dissatisfaction with the reforms that affected the pension systems, which they described as “the cursed trinity:

The Front, which includes a number of trade union organizations, announced its categorical rejection of any “liquidation legislation” that affects the rights and historical achievements of the working class.

She affirmed her total opposition to what she described as “reform of the pension systems”, which, according to her, aims to privatize the system and cap pensions, believing that it is “sabotage and a violation of the fundamental rights of workers, retirees, and retirees.


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