Oujda.. CDT unionists protest against the new strike law

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press – Ahmed Al-Musaed

In execution of the decision of the Executive Office of the Democratic Confederation of Labor, to organize regional protest marches against the law regulating the strike and the merger of the CNPS and CNSS funds and the pension system.

The regional office of the Eastern Democratic Confederation of Labor organized this morning, Sunday January 5, a demonstration and a protest march on the Place du 16 Août, passing through the most important main streets of the city, against the approval of the new regulation of strikes in Parliament, denouncing union restrictions and the right to strike guaranteed by the Constitution, and attacking the consensual methodology to which the government is committed by relying on its parliamentary majority in a question which concerns society with all its forces, organizations and organizations. content The amendments did not affect the essence of the initial draft, since its content still restricts the right to strike, in contradiction with the Constitution and international conventions.

Thus, the CDT Executive Office considered the following:

– Rejects the bill regulating the strike, as approved by the House of Representatives, because it preserves the essence of the legalization of prevention and restrictions of a right guaranteed by the Constitution and international conventions, embodies a systematic attack against trade union freedoms and exposes its origins. behind the non-ratification of Fundamental International Convention 87;

– Calls on all Confederate militants and activists to continue to mobilize to implement all stages of struggle as part of the front in defense of the right to strike, and to prepare for all future struggles, including the national march and strike general.

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