Bouarfa: Casual workers demonstrate and demand their rights

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press – Oujda

This morning, Monday January 6, casual workers organized a demonstration in front of the headquarters of the Bouarfa community, to claim their financial rights and duties pending with the collective council.

On January 5, a general assembly of the National Union of Casual Workers was held at the headquarters of the Democratic Confederation of Labor in Bouarfa, in response to arbitrary arrests and the imposition of coercive obligations.

After extensive discussion, the meeting approved the following points:

1. Condemn the arbitrary arrest of casual workers.
2. Reject any commitment that affects workers’ rights.
3. Denounce attempts to harm union work.
4. Immediate requirement to pay outstanding financial contributions.
5. Denounce arbitrary practices that undermine workers’ freedom of association.
6. Confirm the right of workers to form and join unions without discrimination.

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