“An unusual situation. » Bouhamroun’s disease turns into an epidemic in Morocco.

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

Heba Press – Rabat

Mohamed El-Youbi, director of epidemiology and disease control at the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, provided an update on the current epidemiological situation of “Bouhamroun” measles in Morocco.

In a statement to Medi 1 television, Al-Youbi described the situation as unusual, pointing out that an unprecedented number of infections with the disease had been recorded, which turned into an epidemic due to its rapid spread .

The health official stressed that Bouhamroun disease is characterized by its rapid spread, noting that a single person can transmit the disease to 9 out of ten people.

Al-Youbi added that the disease spreads through the air, considering that it is a disease that affects the respiratory system and not the skin, emphasizing that vaccination is the only solution to eliminate and control it .

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