The “Macroeconomic performance and perspective report of Africa”: inflationary pressures persist in Africa

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Hibapress-Rabatbat Bad
The “Macroeconomic performance and perspective report of Africa” (MEO) published by the African Development Bank has shown that inflationary pressures persist in Africa, according to the report, the average inflation rate of Africa should decrease From 18.6 % in 2024 to 12.6 % in 2025-2026 thanks to stricter monetary policies.
The budgetary deficits of the countries were slightly widened, going from 4.4 % of GDP in 2023 to 4.6 % in 2024, but should be reduced to 4.1 % by 2025-2026. The levels of public debt have stabilized but remain higher than the levels recorded before the pandemic, nine African countries being in a situation of over -indebtedness and eleven having a high risk of over -indebtedness.
The report meets a crucial need for economic data updated in a context of global uncertainty. This report is intended for political decision -makers, development partners, international investors, researchers and other stakeholders.
The 2025 report has identified 24 African countries, including Jibouti, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal and South Sudan, which should experience a growth rate of their GDP greater than 5 % in 2025. In addition, Africa remains The second region of the world to know the fastest growth after Asia, and 12 of the 20 fastest growth economies in the world should be on the continent.