The gender inequality is the greatest challenge of our time: by 2030, it will be necessary to invest $ 360 billion per year

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The 30th anniversary of the Beijing action program is an opportunity not to fail to remind leaders and activists from around the world that our common future depends on gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls.

Everyone has a role to play in the progress of gender equality and women’s rights

While governments have the main responsibility of respecting the commitments of the program, we all have a role to play in guaranteeing equal rights, powers and chances.

History will remember 2025 as the year when the world has refused to give up women’s rights.

What can governments do?

The United Nations calls on governments around the world to act with resolution and determination for all women and girls. To fill gender differences worldwide by 2030, $ 360 billion will have to be invested per year, but the cost of inaction is higher.

The following six actions can really change things, while placing the leadership of young women and adolescent girls at the heart of all efforts.

For all women and girls – a digital revolution

Reduction in the digital sex fracture could save $ 500 billion over the next five years. Technology must be a force for equality and not exclusion. Support the global digital pact by adopting policies that make it possible to fill the digital fracture between the sexes, ensuring equal access and leadership for all women and girls in the field of technology.

For all women and girls – the end of poverty

Almost one in ten women lives in extreme poverty. Public services and social protection multiply economic outlets and develop the safety of women. Women devote themselves at least twice as much to unpaid care work as men. Care constitutes the foundation of all companies, although they are largely undervalued and unpaid. It should not be so: the reduction of care differences could create 300 million jobs by 2035. Invest in national budgets to strengthen social protection, public services, in particular care services, in order to give women an equal chance to prosper and fight poverty.

For all women and girls – zero violence

One in three women suffers violence during her life. Although we have many laws at our disposal worldwide, they are often poorly applied and investments in prevention strategies are lacking. Adopt, implement and finance national laws and policies which provide zero impunity for violence against women and support local women’s organizations.

For all women and girls – a full and egalitarian decision -making power

All over the world, decisions that affect the lives of women are still taken by the most part by men. It is not only unfair, but it is also ineffective. Implement laws and policies, apply temporary special measures to increase the number of women to decision -making in politics, businesses and institutions.

For all women and girls – peace and security

More than 600 million women and girls live near armed conflict sites, with a 50 % increase in sexual violence linked to conflicts alone for the past year. Women’s organizations are the first to intervene in the event of a crisis and to defend peace. However, they remain underfunded and underestimated. Adopt fully funded national plans to increase the significant participation of women in all aspects of peace and security and finance women’s organizations in crisis and conflict situations.

For all women and girls – climate justice

While the climate crisis and the loss of biodiversity accelerate, women and girls, particularly those of rural and indigenous communities, suffer the devastating effects with full force. They are also at the forefront of solutions. Make the rights of women and girls and their leadership in climate action a priority by investing more in green jobs and in their access to these jobs, for example in the sectors of care, sustainable agriculture and renewable energies.

What can individuals do?

Act in favor of gender equality in your own life: in your workplace, in your community, in your family and in your relationships. Make a decision with knowledge of the facts in this regard, the next time you vote, that you will recruit a person, that you will decide who will perform household chores or defend the immense possibilities available to the girls around you. The sixty-ninth session of the United Nations Woman’s condition commission which will be held in New York from March 10 to 21, will examine the progress made in the implementation of the Beijing action program. It will assess a series of global and regional reports, as well as 150 national reports. This event will focus the attention of media from around the world and will cause online discussions and satellite events and campaigns, offering many new possibilities to call for more extensive ambition and action.

Denounce stereotypes, sexist prejudices and gender -based discrimination.

Plead in favor of women’s access to management positions.

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