Marrakech .. The success of the process of transplantation of a truncated hand at the University Hospital Center, Mohammed VI

This article was automatically translated from HIBAPRESS, the Arabic version:

This article was automatically translated from Hibapress, the Arabic version:

A multidisciplinary medical team and nurse at the Al -Razi Hospital of the Mohamed VI University Hospital Center in Marrakech recently managed to carry out a precise surgery to transplant a successful amputee hand.

A press release from the Center said that the operation had been carried out for a 52 -year -old man who was subjected to a complete amputation at the level of the right hand, following a work accident by an electric saw.

The same source added that this complex and precise surgical intervention took approximately seven hours of continuous work, followed by more than ten days of medical supervision to ensure that the amputated hand restores its functions and vitality.

The report confirmed that the patient was currently in a good state of health, and he is still in the authority of orthopedics and joint surgery at the Al -Razi hospital, where he receives the necessary treatment and care, including medical dressing lessons to ensure the best possible recovery.

Communication concluded that this achievement manages to strengthen the series of success obtained by the Mohamed VI University Hospital Center in Marrakech, to confirm the efficiency and experience of its medical, nurses and technical executives, and its commitment to providing advanced health care according to the highest standards.


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